Thursday, 22 December 2011

December 2011 Life Goals for the New Year.

Hey world! This is me!

Been bumbling along nicely.

This year I've accomplished a fair amount:D

Gp training scheme London, first choice job!
Passed one professional examination!
Started learning the ukulele.
Had a boyfriend.. dumped a boyfriend!!
Paid my bills :D
Didn't get too depressed.
Think I'm the same weight/ size as I started the year.
Bought Logic and a computer, started learning how to produce music.
Went to the Dr and started ix on my hip.
Enrolled on a music production course.

So lots of interesting and cool things there!!

I want 2012 to be so much better. This could be my year to do really well.
What do I want?
Well I think I know.

Job brings in the money. I want to make this a great success and be a really good Doctor. I'm bright, I'm hard working, I'm determined, I'm kind.

I want to get married. I do. I want the right guy for me. I'm prepared to do what I have to do to find him :D
He must be kind, the right soul, tall, attractive to me, interesting,intelligent, Jewish!! Come on mate where are you?

I want to write some cracking songs, produce them well, plug em and get some success in that department.

Those are the 3 things really. Apart from being happy, healthy, balanced, confident.

So please g-d .. this year I'd like to meet and keep the love of my life, get my job going well and get my music passion on a good road. Those 3 BIG things :D

I always believe in plans and goals.

So now I have the 3 big goals in place. Obviously lots of tiny goals make up those things.

I have been avoiding exercise after being very active and fit at the beginning of the year due to hip pain. However, that doesn't meant I can't lift weights/ do something. Yoga is ok too. I need to start this.
I eat too much. I'm going to start the Paul Mckenna method again as that worked really well last time. It also means, however, that I have to sort out my head too!

So I'm going to be slimmer and happier with my body by my birthday.
I used to feel comfortable with me, felt happy with the way things moved, fit in clothes et.c
I want that feeling back - Its time.

Anyway, I think there are some habits that could be really useful for me.

1. No more reading/ computer in bed. Bed= SLEEP only.. This is gonna be really tough to do.

2. Paul Mckenna eat when hungry rules et.c Put it on when get the bus every morning. That is SO easy to do! Why haven't I been doing it? Will keep me balanced.

3. Journal each day. Maybe do 5 mins on the laptop every morning. I should check in with myself when I get up/ go to bed to see how I am doing. Perhaps write stuff in on my iPhone? to upload to the computer. I don't know yet how it will all work!

4. Keep the flat and garden tidy. It makes me feel better and be organised and balanced about things.

I want to finish out the year feeling good about myself. Healthy, bien dans sa peau ! That French expression for feeling happy in one's own skin.

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